
Locate, access and use information to support own development.

Digital match and groups

In this task we were assigned to take a survey on the bbc digital match site and find out what type of personality trait we had and research what job roles fit within that personality after that.

First off we went to the bbc digital match site so we could take the survey to see what personality we had, there were questions like, would you work in a team or by yourself, or help someone with an issue they’re having or leaving them to figure it out. After this we got our personality trait, the personality trait I got was “Constant Creative” this meant i have an artistic mind as well as it saying that I would do well in teams


When the test was done we could scroll down and see what roles with people of those personalities usually do, with roles like; Working on video, creating magazines and comics, fashion design and graphics design. I went for graphics design since it is already what I’m pursuing.


After deciding the general role I was going for I went on a website to find what more specific job role retaining to graphics design are, with stuff like being a manager of graphical design to doing freelance graphics design it gave specifications for what is usually needed in these job roles, like having a  certain amount of qualifications plus an amount of time already spent in the industry

[screen grab]

With our job roles figured out we were instructed to make design teams to work in for the rest of the year, so we needed to find out what skills work together, called complimentary skills.

I found 2 others who skilled I contrasted with one “Inventive creative” and the other one who was a “creative artisan”. Both of them had a little bit of experience of programming with c++  which also compliments that they also had some experience with design as well.

The group me and 2 others created was called Digital Decor we found out the skills we could use, and through what we had experience in we decided to be based primarily on web design


In this task I learned what personality type I was through the digital match program as well as learning some new skills in making groups and what skills compliment each other. I will use this in the future to help find jobs pertaining to my personality as well as finding groups and teams I would be able to join within the media industry.



Critically evaluate a range of working practices and methods.

Job Role Hierarchy


Digital Design Toolbox



Apply knowledge of working practices to support own development.


Billy Simmons                                    Age:18


  • good understanding of Photoshop CS6.
  • foundation knowledge of Illustrator.
  • foundation knowledge of 3DS Max.
  • foundation knowledge of InDesign.
  • Confident use of word processors.
  • with working in a team and communicating within the team.
  • good at prioritizing
  • good at time management
  • Always looking out to learn new skills.

Work History:

  • Freelance Graphical Designer, Logos – Ongoing

Work Experience:

  • IT support / Specialist in a secondary school, fixing computers and troubleshooting – 2013


  • Canterbury College UAL Level 3 Digital Design and Animation – September 2016
  • Canterbury College Level 2 Diploma ICT System and Principles – October 2015 – June 2016
  • Castle Community College (Now named Goodwin Academy) – 2009 – 2013


Maths                                                                               B

Level 2 Diploma ICT System and Principles        Pass

English                                                                            D

Personal Statement:

I enjoy doing side projects, for example; graphics design based on video games or certain people within social media, as well as trying to find new techniques and skills which I could use further develop my skills.




Organise self and work to meet deadlines and targets.


Demonstrate consideration and professionalism in working with others.